
The first few minutes of class time sets the tone for the school day. The teachers try to make this as positive as they can when welcoming the children to class and involving them in a tabletop activity.

We encourage you to say goodbye to your child in the hall without entering the classroom. A brief good-bye is easier on a young child (and parents too) rather than a lingering one. Reassure your child that you love them and will be back to pick them up and leave with a smile. This will help your child realize there is nothing to fear.

Our teachers are trained to handle tears and involve an upset child in the classroom activity. Please feel free to call and check on your child if separating was difficult. However, going into the classroom after you have said goodbye only causes confusion and prolongs the tears.

One of the valued qualities of our teachers is their concern and empathy for each child. Be assured that you are leaving your child in good hands.

The period of adjustment is different with each child; some adjust quite quickly, while others take a little more time. If your child is having difficulty adjusting the teachers will let you know and we can try and form a plan to help the adjustment along.

We want all of the children to be happy and have a great time at school.