Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch is an opportunity for children to stay at school for an extra hour to eat lunch and play!  We will have lunch bunch every day from noon to 1 pm for an additional $7 per day.  Weekly sign-up sheets will be outside the classrooms.

Please send a packed lunch (along with their snack) in with your child in the morning.  If your child’s lunch contains peanuts, please use a sticker located by the sign-up sheet and place it on the lunch box.  We want to accommodate every child that wants to stay for lunch bunch, if your child has a food allergy please coordinate with Ms. Jen or Ms. Jess on how to keep them safe.

At noon your child’s teacher will bring everyone signed up to the lunch bunch room.  You may pick up your child at 1 pm.  If the weather is nice we will be on the playground and you may pick up there.  If it is raining, please pull into the circle and we will bring your child to your car.  You may pay for each session separately or a one week at a time.

We ask that you write a separate check for lunch bunch and not add it to your child’s tuition.