Health and Accidents


If your child is absent please call so that we can inform their teacher.

Proper hand washing by staff members and children is an important way to decrease the spread of germs. The children are asked to wash after bathroom use, before snack and after coughing or sneezing into their hands and wiping their nose.

Staff members are trained to implement a quick visual “health screening” of every child that enters the classroom in the morning.

You may be questioned about your child’s physical appearance to determine if they are feeling well enough to participate in the school activities. No parent wants their child exposed unnecessarily to viruses and childhood illness. Therefore, we ask for your help by keeping your child home when they exhibit any of the following symptoms:

  • itchy, red or discharging eyes,
  • cough,
  • undiagnosed rash,
  • diarrhea,
  • vomiting,
  • runny nose with thick discharge,
  • sore throat or
  • fever (a child should be fever free and Tylenol free for 24 hours before returning to school).

Please keep your child home for 24 hours after diarrhea, vomiting, and fever symptoms are gone.  Working together we can help reduce the spread of illness in preschool.


If a child becomes ill or gets hurt at school and needs to go home we will immediately notify his/her parent or designated emergency contacts. Please list all possible phone numbers on the emergency card and keep them up to date.  If a child gets hurt but doesn’t need to go home, you will be notified at the end of the day with an accident report.

Bathroom Accidents

If your child has a bathroom accident at school, we will change them and notify you at the end of the day.  Please bring a new change of clothing for the next school day.  After three incidents, you will be called and asked to come change your child at the time of the accidents.