Drop Off and Pick Up

Drop Off Procedure

Please park in the parking lot and walk your child to their classroom.

There is a sign-in sheet posted next to the classroom door. Please be sure and sign your child in each day they are at school.  Don’t forget mark whether or not your child will be staying for lunch bunch!

Be sure to check the parent board to see what happened at school and for any other information from the teachers.

Pick Up Procedure

For Dismissal, please pull into the circle.  For a smooth dismissal, we ask that you remain in your car and we will bring your child to you.  If you child cannot buckle themselves, please pull down to the “Buckle Zone”.  Here, you may get out of your car to buckle your child.

It is school policy that children be picked up only by persons authorized by the parents in writing.

If for some reason you are unable to pick up your child, you must call the school and notify the Director of who will be picking up your child. Please inform that person that they will be required to show picture identification before we can allow the child to be released.

For a special occasion like a play date, please send in a signed note with the information for the teacher.  We will make sure to get your child to the correct parent.